Items Tagged with 'earthworms'


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Cover Crops Help Soil Profitability

Finding right varieties and proper seeding practices is key to maximizing benefits and generating carbon.
Stopping soil erosion was the driving force behind the Sylling family’s decision to switch to no-till more than two decades ago. At the time, brothers Myron and Mikal farmed in partnership with their father, Karl, on a corn-and-soybean farm in the hilly country of southeastern Minnesota, near Spring Grove.
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Farmer's Earthworm Handbook Shares 19 Tips for Building Up Soils with Earthworms

Your subterranean friends can improve soil fertility, health and tilth so roots grow deeper, and plants are productive — no matter what your tillage system.

Learn How Earthworms Can Save You Money, Time, And Your Fields For Just $15.95! If crop residues are removed too quickly in the fall or spring, worms may not have the opportunity to eat and breed. Learn to leverage earthworms for better crop production & improved profitability. Everything you always wanted to know about improving soil fertility and managing earthworms can be found in the 112 pages of our best-seller, The Farmer's Earthworm Handbook. 

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Soil Health & Earthworms

According to a 2001 paper (Land degradation: an overview), it is estimated that the total annual cost of erosion from agriculture in the USA is about $44 billion per year, i.e. about $100 per acre of cropland and pasture. On a global scale, the annual loss of 75 billion tons of soil costs the world about $400 billion per year, or approximately $70 per person per year (Eswaran, H., et. al. 2001). Read more in this article from the Capital Journal (Pierre, SD).
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[Podcast] Earthworms: Unsung Heroes of the Soil

Seeing earthworms is one of the hallmarks of healthy soil, but Paul Reed Hepperly says that their role is much broader than previously thought.
Seeing earthworms is one of the hallmarks of healthy soil, but Paul Reed Hepperly says that their role is much broader than previously thought.
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Are You Feeding Your ‘Livestock’?

Earthworms — they are the unsung heroes and unpaid employees on your farm. According to Frank Gibbs, one of the featured speakers at the National Strip-Tillage Conference held earlier this month in Peoria, Ill., worms are always working to enrich your soil.
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Not Afraid to Experiment with Cover Crops

Deciding on a suitable soil regeneration or maintenance strategy — especially in the summer rainfall regions of Africa — needs a great deal of thought and planning. No-Tiller J.P. Van Reenen tells about his experiences.
Deciding on a suitable soil regeneration or maintenance strategy — especially in the summer rainfall regions of Africa — needs a great deal of thought and planning. No-Tiller J.P. Van Reenen tells about his experiences.
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Healing Battered Fields, Pastures with Adaptive Grazing

Growers with livestock can improve soil health and increase forage production by moving animals more frequently, controlling field access and increasing recovery times for plants, says grazing consultant Allen Williams.
As Allen Williams sees it, the world’s “oldest watering system” is the symbiotic relationship between plants and the soil, which mediates 90% of plant function.
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The National Strip-Tillage Conference returns August 8-9, 2024! Build and refine your strip-till system with dozens of new ideas and connections at the 11th Annual National Strip-Tillage Conference in Madison, Wis. Aug. 8-9, 2024. Experience an energizing 2-day agenda featuring inspiring general session speakers, expert-led Strip-Till Classrooms and collaborative Strip-Till Roundtables. Plus, Certified Crop Adviser credits will be offered.

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