Soil Health

This topic is dedicated to providing information about how various cover crop species and varieties improve soil biology and soil health to help growers meet their production and environmental goals. Explanations of soil health processes, terminology and trends will also be shared here to provide a greater understanding of the link between cover crops and improved soil biology.


IDOA Launches New I-COVER Program

A new program launched by the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) offers cost-share and financial incentives to producers and landowners who are new to using cover crops or who adopt new techniques for earlier establishment of cover crops.
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Cover Crop Strategies Volume 5


With this 16-page, newly-released edition of Cover Crop Strategies, you’ll discover the most popular cover crop planting time and method among U.S. farmers, why cover crops help, not hurt, during drought, when is the right time to terminate cereal rye to maximize yield suppression without hurting no-till soybean yield, how Cover Crop Coach Steve Groff is breeding a "legume version" of cereal rye, and MORE!


Cover Crop Strategies Volume 1

The editors of Cover Crop Strategies and No-Till Farmer created this 24-page special report to share ideas on getting covers established, using a roller-crimper for termination, successfully integrating livestock into a cover-crop system and using covers to transition away from an overdependence on herbicides and fertilizers.

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Cover Crop Strategies Volume 4


With this 16-page, newly-released edition of Cover Crop Strategies, you’ll discover how many graziers realize profitable returns from using cover as high- quality forage. Read how cover crop rotation paired with a grazing system completes a no-tiller’s holy grail of soil health. You’ll also hear from the late cover crop expert Dave Brandt as he discusses his best practices for getting the most out of cover crops.

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Fine-Tuning No-Till Performance with Better Planter Technology


This 24 page special report is designed to bring you practical information and tips on how to improve each and every facet of your no-till planter, from attachments to GPS systems to evaluating various setups. Expert advice from long-time no-tillers, no-till researchers and planter consultants offer valuable insights into modifications and adjustments that will help you achieve better stands and ultimately better yields.                        

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Understanding Soil Fertility for Higher Yields


This special report was put together to help farmers understand soil fertility and the connection with crop yields. From Neal Kinsey’s explanation of how to nurture soils so they become a thriving, productive system to the importance of sulfur to identifying nutrient imbalances on real-life soil tests, the topics covered illuminate today’s generally accepted understanding of soil fertility.                       

Built to Last

Built to Last: No-Till's Trials & Triumphs... 60 Years Later


This 44-page Special Commemorative Edition is meant to honor the shoulders of those on which no-tillers stand on today, and to also remind the next generation that true, revolutionary breakthroughs in farming are still possible. More than 110 million acres proves it. Based on detailed research, historical discoveries and many conversations with farmers who proudly shared their personal no-till memories, this fascinating report dives into all aspects within the rich history of no-till farming.

Cover of Strip-Till Farmer Special Report

131 Highly Practical Tips, Practices & Techniques to Grow Your Strip-Tilling Program

This special 16 page report offers valuable insights and advice from veteran strip-tillers, agronomists, suppliers and educators with the goal of making your strip-till operation more successful and profitable. View
Cover Crop Triple Play Package

Cover Cropping Triple-Play Package

$14.90 (33%)
This 3-report package offers a trifecta of top-notch reports exploring the most critical cover cropping information you need to know. You'll learn the newest cover cropping options, explained in easy-to-understand terms so you can put them into practice immediately. View
Covering Up, Part 3

Covering Up, Part 3: Branching Out With Your Cover Crop Program

Looking to go from a single species to a cover crop cocktail, or to drastically reduce your fertilizer bill, or to extend the life – and benefits – of your covers by planting into them? Check out these success stories, learning experiences and new ideas to help you achieve your next cover-crop goal with No-Till Farmer’s third installment on cover crops. View
Cover Up, Part 2

Covering Up: Part 2. Taking Soil Heath, Profits To Another Level


Learning what new cover-crop options are available and how no-tillers are making them work on their own farms can help you build your own successful no-till system. In this report you’ll discover new cover-crop options being used to boost organic matter, suppress weeds, reduce input costs, capture nutrients and increase profitability.


The National No-Tillage Conference returns January 7-10, 2025! Build and refine your no-till system with dozens of new ideas and connections at the 33rd Annual National No-Tillage Conference in Louisville, Ky. Jan. 7-10, 2025. Experience an energizing 4-day agenda featuring inspiring general session speakers, expert-led No-Till Classrooms and collaborative No-Till Roundtables. Plus, Certified Crop Adviser credits will be offered.

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