
burndown afte ryelage harvest.jpg

Tips for Controlling Ryelage Stubble After Spring Harvest

Spraying cereal rye with common burndown products (glyphosate, paraquat, etc) prior to ryelage harvest is illegal. Consequently, termination of cereal rye that has been harvested for forage is best managed with post-harvest herbicide applications. Glyphosate is a more effective burndown option than paraquat for post-harvest termination of cereal rye.

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soybeans in rye

Herbicide Shortage - How to Plan Termination of Multispecies Cover Crop Mixtures for '22 Growing Season

Several months ago experts from Purdue University discussed the herbicide shortage for the 2022 growing season and outlined a couple of scenarios where growers can switch to alternative herbicides to accomplish the same weed control objectives. In this article, they discuss some options for fields that have a mixture of cover crop species growing in them and how to effectively terminate the cover crops before corn or soybean production.

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Cover Crop Termination Tradeoffs

A fall-planted cereal rye, wheat, or triticale cover crop can have both positive and negative impacts, for example by tying up nitrogen, reducing soil moisture prior to planting, increasing insect pressure, reducing weed pressure, reducing soil erosion and allelopathy. These tips from the University of Nebraska will share tradeoffs to help you better assess cover crop termination timing for your operation and risk level. 

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Timing Cover Crop Termination to Meet Your Residue Goals

Cover crops are used to address multiple resource concerns and can provide a wide range of conservation benefits including reduced soil erosion, scavenged residual soil nitrogen, weed suppression, and supplemental livestock forage. The carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratio of the cover crop determines the durability of the cover crop residue.

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The National Strip-Tillage Conference returns August 8-9, 2024! Build and refine your strip-till system with dozens of new ideas and connections at the 11th Annual National Strip-Tillage Conference in Madison, Wis. Aug. 8-9, 2024. Experience an energizing 2-day agenda featuring inspiring general session speakers, expert-led Strip-Till Classrooms and collaborative Strip-Till Roundtables. Plus, Certified Crop Adviser credits will be offered.

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