Follow along with this podcast by downloading the PDF presentation where Adam Daugherty shares images displaying how he implements cover crops into a no-till rotation.
The task of implementing cover crops into a no-till rotation goes well beyond just seeding them after harvest. Mix design, carbon-to-nitrogen ratios, cash crop goals, termination strategies and biomass management must be well thought out and planned in advance, says Adam Daugherty.
Whether no-tillers are simply enhancing no-till operations with low-biomass covers or shooting for high-intensity mixes, the district conservationist for the NRCS in Coffee County, Tenn., will discuss up-front planning and strategies for biomass crucial to ensuring successful integration of cover crops in no-till.
Adam’s presentation will also cover planting logistics when no-tillers are seeding cover crop mixes, including the pros and cons of different tools available to get seed in the ground. He’ll also discuss advantages and disadvantages of burning down cover crops vs. planting green and working with low-biomass and high-biomass cover crop seedings.
The Cover Crop Strategies podcast series is brought to you by Yetter Manufacturing Co.
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Intro Music: Adam Selzer - True North
Interlude Music: Alialujah Choir - Little Picture (Instrumental)