Cover Crop Strategies editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at various aspects of our great agricultural industry. Here is our favorite content from the past week:

Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by Salford Group.

Salford Group

Salford Group knows cover crops. Salford’s Valmar 56 series seeders set the bar for versatility and accuracy in cover crop seeding. These machines accurately handle a wide variety of seed and blends, while pairing with virtually any implement to seed cover crops while performing other field operations. Salford has a variety of tillage implements that are suitable for seeding with the 56 series applicators. Some Salford tillage machines can be used for hay and pasture renovation, and others can be used to work in standing cover crops as green manure. Check out Salford’s cover crops solutions at

Cover Crop Scouting in Show-Me State

We appreciate good photography around these parts. And yes, everything looks better with a kid or dog in it. But this crimson clover field at Missouri’s Hopewell Farms was too good not to share…

Late-Breaking Cover Crop Planting

It might be late in the game for cover cropping, but better late than never. In Northeast Ohio, YouTuber The Patriotic Farmer takes you on the tractor as the family drills cover crops.

How to Calibrate an Air Seeder for a Multi-Crop Cover Mix

Dustin Johnson, an agronomist with Cisco Seed, walks through the multiple pitfalls of calibrating an air seeder to a multiple cover crop mix consisting of spring oats, spring peas, hairy vetch, radishes and Persian clover.

Planting Winter Rye Covers Into Sorghum Sudangrass Stubble

Alan Klejeski of Trinity Dairy in Sturgeon Lake, Minn., wanted to seed winter rye without disturbing the soil from a sorguhm-sudangrass field. So he rented a drill from the local extension office and planted the covers right into the soil. He talks through the decision in the YouTube video below.

How to Roller-Crimp Cover Crops

This video from the Tennessee Aquarium YouTube Channel covers the fundamental basics of roller crimping. Johnny Roden, a soil conservation technician contractor with the USDA-NRCS in Pikeville, Tenn., outlines the basics behind roller crimpers. For any readers who live in the Pikeville area, the NRCS office has two crimpers available for rent.

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Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by Salford Group.

Salford Group knows cover crops. Salford’s Valmar 56 series seeders set the bar for versatility and accuracy in cover crop seeding. These machines accurately handle a wide variety of seed and blends, while pairing with virtually any implement to seed cover crops while performing other field operations. Salford has a variety of tillage implements that are suitable for seeding with the 56 series applicators. Some Salford tillage machines can be used for hay and pasture renovation, and others can be used to work in standing cover crops as green manure. Check out Salford’s cover crops solutions at

Salford Group

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