Items Tagged with 'small grains'


Summer Cover Crop Options

Are you looking for cover crops to fill a fallow period as small grains, snap beans, or other crops are harvested? Extension agronomist Heidi Reed explains that establishing cover crops in summer grants an opportunity to branch out beyond our fall-planted standbys. Read more in this article from Lancaster Farming.
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Indiana Sets New State Cover Crop Record

According to a recent conservation survey, Indiana farmers have set a conservation record this year by planting an estimated 1.5 million acres of overwinter living covers, the largest amount ever recorded by an Indiana Conservation Partnership survey. Read more in this article from WBIW.
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Soybeans, Cover Crops: A Winning Combo

On paper, adding a cover crop to a farming production system looks simple enough: plant a small grain such as cereal rye as soon as the cash crop harvest is done; let it grow, then terminate it prior to planting in the spring. But farmers and agronomists know it’s not that simple. Read more in this article from Ohio's Country Journal.
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New Uses for an Old Crop

An idea that started with the curiosity of an enterprising south-central Kentucky farmer is showing promise as another crop for Kentucky small grain producers, as well as a reliable source of Kentucky-grown cereal rye for bourbon distillers, bakers and millers. In a state long recognized for its progressive farmers, the Halcomb family of Walnut Grove Farms in Logan County are known as some of the most innovative. Read more in this article from the Sentinel-Echo (London, KY).
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Before Planting Covers, Check Seed Source

As small grain harvest moves along, some farmers will plant cover crops into those fields to do things such as improve soil condition, control weeds or provide fall grazing for livestock and wildlife. Before planting the cover crop seeds, South Dakota Department of Agriculture Plant Industry Program Manager Brenda Sievers reminds farmers to check the source of the seeds and to be sure a lab analysis has been done on them.
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[Podcast] How to Get the Ideal Cover Crop Seeding Rate

When you plant cover crops, of course, you want to maximize their benefits as much as possible while minimizing the costs, says Pennsylvania cover crop expert Steve Groff. (Courtesy of Cover Crop Innovators)
When you plant cover crops, of course, you want to maximize their benefits as much as possible while minimizing the costs, says Pennsylvania cover crop expert Steve Groff. (Courtesy of Cover Crop Innovators)
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[Podcast] Think Outside the Grain Bin with Small Grains as a Cover Crop

Farmers should not limit themselves to only growing corn and soybeans and should consider using small grains as a cover crop, says Pennsylvania cover crop expert Steve Groff.
In this podcast, Groff explains the benefits of adding small grains to crop rotations, such as building soil biology, adding diversity, increasing organic matter and more. (Courtesy of Cover Crop Innovators)
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Free eGuide

The Pluses and Minuses of Today's Most Popular Cover Crops

Now is the time to choose the right cover crop species to improve YOUR no-till operation. “The Pluses and Minuses of Today’s Most Popular Cover Crops” report reveals how you can pick and utilize the cover crop species that are perfect for your farm, and it’s FREE!
“The Pluses and Minuses of Today’s Most Popular Cover Crops” eGuide reveals how you can pick and utilize the cover crop species that are perfect for your farm, and it’s FREE!
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The National Strip-Tillage Conference returns August 8-9, 2024! Build and refine your strip-till system with dozens of new ideas and connections at the 11th Annual National Strip-Tillage Conference in Madison, Wis. Aug. 8-9, 2024. Experience an energizing 2-day agenda featuring inspiring general session speakers, expert-led Strip-Till Classrooms and collaborative Strip-Till Roundtables. Plus, Certified Crop Adviser credits will be offered.

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