Cover Crop Strategies editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at various aspects of our great agricultural industry. Here is our favorite content from the past week:

Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by Saddle Butte Ag.

Saddle Butte Ag

Bio Till Cover Crops, a pioneer and leader in cover crop seeds, represents a complete lineup of seeds suitable for use in diverse soil types and growing conditions. Our focus on cover crop and regenerative forage seeds sets us apart from suppliers invested in other markets. Dealers in our distribution network are committed to your success by providing local resources, education and guidance to ensure you have the correct foundation for success. With over 50 years of experience in production, processing, packaging, and shipping, you won’t find a better fit for your farm.

How Cover Crops Can Completely Change Your Farm Operation

In this episode of the Regenerative Agriculture Podcast with John Kempf from Advancing Eco Agriculture, learn about the benefits of cover crops for maintaining moisture and combating weeds as well as the overall impact of cover crops on a soil health system and how that can vary based on what kind of tillage (or lack thereof) is being done on the farm.

Feeding Soil with a Cover Crop Buffet

Johnny Hunter of Castor River Habitat & Farm in Missouri says that he uses cover crops to build better quality soil and increase nutrient density. And while he’s certain that cover crops are beneficial to his soils, he also believes that there is a lot that can still be learned when it comes to farming. “I think we have a better understanding of how the surface of the moon works than we do about how the soil works — that’s how complex this system is.”

Calibrating A Grain Drill for Cover Crops and Polycrop Blends

In this video, Keegan Miller, Alberta territory manager of Covers & Co.,, explains how to calibrate a grain drill to achieve the proper seeding rate for multi-species cover crops.

Hairy Vetch as a Cover Crop for Grazing

Rob Dowdle of Dowdle Family Farms in Caledonia, Miss., says that while hairy vetch is used extensively as a cover crop because it fixes nitrogen, over winters well and produces a lot of biomass, it can also be used for grazing. And while grazing hairy vetch is not without its problems, Dowdle says that with careful management it can be grazed with cows and pigs.

Managing Cover Crops After a Mild Winter

In this video, Laura Lant from Midwest Grass & Forage talks about different cover crops, what to expect after a mild winter, nitrogen application and more.

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Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by Saddle Butte Ag.

Saddle Butte Ag

Bio Till Cover Crops, a pioneer and leader in cover crop seeds, represents a complete lineup of seeds suitable for use in diverse soil types and growing conditions. Our focus on cover crop and regenerative forage seeds sets us apart from suppliers invested in other markets. Dealers in our distribution network are committed to your success by providing local resources, education and guidance to ensure you have the correct foundation for success. With over 50 years of experience in production, processing, packaging, and shipping, you won’t find a better fit for your farm.

Click here to view past "Best of the Web This Week" updates.