The hard-working folks over at the Midwest Cover Crops Council have released two new recipes for cover crops.
The recipes in question are aimed at Minnesota, and they're intended for post-corn-silage use going into corn and soybeans.
The recipes call for special handling of any fall fertilizer soil treatments, including manure.
“Generally, cover crops are more successful in no-tillage or strip-tillage systems,” the recipe reads in part. “For best rye establishment, any manure, fertilizer, or lime should be injected, subsurface-banded, or surface-applied and incorporated before planting the cover crop. Manure can be injected with a low-disturbance applicator after the cereal rye is seeded, preferably after the cereal rye has reached at least 4 inches in height, although the cover crop may be damaged.”
From there, the recipes recommend using a planting rate of 55 pounds per acre live seed if using a planter, and 83 pounds per acre if broadcasting, with an optimal incorporation depth of 0.75-1.5 inches, and shallow incorporation if broadcasting. Aerial seeding into corn post the R5 stage could result in less-than-optimal development.
As with any growing practice potentially involving government, it's best to follow their standards.
"Ensure that your seeding rate complies with any cost-share standards from a funding agency, if applicable," the recipe reads. "Consider increasing the seeding rate to increase forage yield."
Termination with glyphosate should be made when the rye reaches 10 inches or 10 days before planting corn, whichever is soonest.
"Termination is most effective and rapid when cereal rye is actively growing, applications are made on a sunny day at least four hours prior to sunset, and air temperatures are higher than 60°F during the day and 40°F at night," the recipe reads.
The recipe is virtually identical for soybeans, with a note.
"If cereal rye was drilled, planting soybean between rye rows is ideal," the recipe reads in part. "If cereal rye termination is delayed, it may be better to plant into standing green plants versus large plants that are dead or dying and that have fallen onto the soil surface, forming a thick mat of residue. Check planting depth and seed furrow closure in case any planter adjustments are needed."
The full list of Midwest Cover Crop Council recipes is available online.