Worldwide interest in cover crops continues to grow at a healthy pace. The industry is maturing and seed availability has grown steadily along with demand. But there is still a scarcity of solid information on how to best utilize and profit from all the soil-building benefits that cover crops have to offer.
Two years ago, Steve Groff, the Cover Crop Coach, from Holtwood, PA launched Cover Crop Innovators (CCI), a membership-based group where subscribers can watch, listen, and participate in weekly live webinars hosted by Steve himself. Nearly 300 members (and their soil) now benefit from this accessible, cutting-edge cover crop training.
The CCI program is designed with the farmer-consumer as well as agronomists and consultants in mind. Recorded webinars are available at any time and come in video or audio formats. Members also have exclusive access to a closed Facebook group, where they can ask and answer tough cover crop questions specific to their own fields and gain from the collective wisdom of fellow farmer members in real time.
New this year
- has recently launched a number of enhancements. The CCI website has had a complete makeover, allowing for even easier navigation and search capability in the growing library of webinars and other training materials.
- In response to industry trends and high-profile campaigns by leading companies, Steve has repositioned the CCI message to address a growing awareness and demand for healthy soil practices like cover crops in the agricultural marketplace. He makes a compelling case that farms may risk becoming obsolete unless they adopt and excel in regenerative agricultural practices like cover cropping.
- In addition, Cover Crop Innovators has teamed up with Lessiter Publications with their brand new Cover Crop Strategies website. Both groups will be working together to share hard-hitting educational webinars aimed at making farmers more effective at using cover crops.
Steve’s unique experience as a farmer and 25-year researcher of cover cropping have provided him a high degree of expertise. He has become a trusted voice in the industry, speaking at events around the globe.
Steve has consultation and partner relationships with Wrangler, Stroud Water Research, NRCS, and various other institutions, businesses, and organizations. He was recently awarded a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to train farmers and agronomists with better cover cropping practices for the benefit of the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
From Steve’s expert vantage point, he sees the changes on the horizon for the agricultural industry that will affect nearly every farm. Steve says, “I want to make sure farmers are prepared to not just survive, but to thrive and confidently secure their farm's future. Knowledge yields confidence and leads to greater opportunities to succeed.”
Cover Crop Innovator members have said: "I appreciate Steve’s integrity that he shows in his presentations". And, “The work that Steve does and the information and guidance he brings to producers and ag professionals is really important. His presentations are right on track”.
Signing up for Cover Crop Innovators is easy at their website,