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Spring No-Till and Cover Crop Strategies for Building Soil Health

With a pivotal spring season ahead, understanding nutrient cycling is critical to developing a successful, resilient no-till system, says Barry Fisher.

While the benefits of soil health might seem intangible to some, NRCS soil scientist Barry Fisher is very clear about it.

“When we talk about soil health, we’re talking about improving the capacity of that soil to function as a vital, living ecosystem that sustains plants, animals and humans, no matter the weather conditions or circumstances,” he says. “It’s all about understanding that living ecosystem and working with the land instead of against it.”


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The National Strip-Tillage Conference returns August 8-9, 2024! Build and refine your strip-till system with dozens of new ideas and connections at the 11th Annual National Strip-Tillage Conference in Madison, Wis. Aug. 8-9, 2024. Experience an energizing 2-day agenda featuring inspiring general session speakers, expert-led Strip-Till Classrooms and collaborative Strip-Till Roundtables. Plus, Certified Crop Adviser credits will be offered.

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