The U.S. leads the world in no-tilled acres, while two nations with the highest populations, India and China, don’t even make the Top 5 list. India has the second most arable land in the world and China comes in fifth.
With field conditions favorable for a stable harvest schedule, and planning for crop year 2025 underway, the next 8 weeks provide a golden opportunity to evaluate how your fields held up, says University of Wisconsin Extension.
It's a bit more challenging to fit cover crops into a tillage system, but there are opportunities if you create them, says Steve Groff. The Cover Crop Coach and Holtwood, Pa., grower will share different ways row crop farmers and even vegetable farmers in the U.S. and overseas are getting cover crops seeded into tilled fields to control erosion and replenish soils.
Soil tillage on farms may significantly reduce the availability in crops of ergothioneine (ERGO), an amino acid produced by certain types of soil-borne fungi and bacteria that is known as a “longevity vitamin” due to its potent antioxidant properties, according to new research by an interdisciplinary team at Penn State. The study is among the first to demonstrate that soil disturbance can directly impact a key dietary factor associated with long-term human health.
This week’s podcast, sponsored by Montag Manufacturing, features Jim Hoorman, Hoorman Soil Health Services, Ohio. Hoorman will discuss the costs of tillage and soil compaction, cover crop costs, the dollar value of soil organic matter and more.
Soil compaction is a common and constant problem on most farms that till the soil. Heavy farm machinery can create persistent subsoil compaction. Scientists have found that compacted soils (a) physically restricted root growth; (b) decrease root zone aeration; and (c) reduces drainage, (d) increased losses of nitrogen from denitrification, (e) increases soil erosion. Read more in this article from Ohio's Country Journal.
After corn is chopped and combines move through fields, crop residue and stubble remains, leading some growers to tillage processes, yet soil experts continue to encourage growers to leave the stubble for the sake of soil health. According to the most recent Agricultural Resources Management Survey on the production practices of corn, cotton, soybean and wheat, data shows that roughly half (51%) growers used either no-till or strip-till at least once over a four-year period. Read more in this article from the Star-Herald (Scottsbluff, NE).
Results from a nearly 30-year ongoing study show that no-till agriculture produces improved crop yields over the long-term. The study shows two key results: Practicing no-till agriculture improves crop yield over time.
The National No-Tillage Conference returns January 7-10, 2025!Build and refine your no-till system with dozens of new ideas and connections at the 33rd Annual National No-Tillage Conference in Louisville, Ky. Jan. 7-10, 2025. Experience an energizing 4-day agenda featuring inspiring general session speakers, expert-led No-Till Classrooms and collaborative No-Till Roundtables. Plus, Certified Crop Adviser credits will be offered.
The Cover Crop Strategies Podcast is officially back for the start of 2025 and we are going to have lots of great interview guests on the show in the coming weeks. But to start off the year strong, here’s a clip from the first episode of the new year with Olivia Caillouet.